Other Barcode Images

If you need a different kind of barcode image, you can buy it here. We usually provide the following barcode formats.: EAN-13, UPC-A, ITF-14, Code-128, Code-39, QR Code, SSCC Codes and various other types of 2D and 1D Barcodes. Please input the number of barcode image sets you require and provide your barcode numbers or information in the ‘additional information’ section during checkout. We will send your barcode images via email as four attached files in Bitmap, eps., Tiff, Jpeg, and PDF formats. We only provide the following barcode formats. The pictures are typically sent at a regular size by default. If you need another size, simply let us know in the ‘additional information’ section.

Quantity Price per image
1 Kr 100 Each
2 Kr 75 Each
5 Kr 60 Each
10 + Kr 50 Each
50 + Kr 22 Each

Other Barcode Images

