ITF-14 Specifications


Below are the ITF-14 Barcode specifications in millimetres. This page displays the permitted sizes of your ITF-14 Barcode on your carton.

ITF-14 Sizing

The upper and lower support bars are required, but the vertical support bars are not necessary if a printing method is used that doesn’t require printing plates..


The ITF-14 Barcode Symbol can be scanned in a General Distribution Scanning environment between 50% and 100% magnification. In other scanning environments, the range is between 25% and 100%.

If printing on corrugated fibreboard, ensure the ITF-14 is above 62.5%.

Bar Height

The bars in a General Distribution Scanning Environment must be at least 32mm tall.

In all other scanning environments, the bar height should be as high as you can make it. The minimum bar height allowed is 13mm, so all ITF-14’s must be taller than this. However, try to make the height as close to 32mm as possible.

Bar Width Ratio:

The ratio of bar width is 2.5:1. This ratio should be between 2.25:1 and 3:1 to be acceptable.

Human Readable Interpretation:

Font, font size and position are not specified but should be printed proportionately with the barcode. It is preferable for the font to be located under the barcode.

Magnification X-Dimension Width Bar Height Quiet Zones
25% 0.25 30.62 13 2.54
30% 0.3 36.73 13 3.05
35% 0.36 42.85 13 3.56
40% 0.41 48.97 13 4.06
45% 0.46 55.09 13 4.57
50% 0.51 61.21 32 5.08
55% 0.56 67.34 32 5.59
60% 0.61 73.46 32 6.1
62.50% 0.64 76.52 32 6.35
65% 0.66 79.58 32 6.6
70% 0.71 85.7 32 7.11
75% 0.76 91.82 32 7.62
80% 0.81 97.94 32 8.13
85% 0.86 104.06 32 8.64
90% 0.91 110.19 32 9.14
95% 0.97 116.31 32 9.65
100% 1.02 122.43 32 10.16

All measurements are in millimetres.

It is best to allow more space for the quiet zones than the minimum in case of ink spread

Important Terms

General Distribution Scanning Environment – This refers to automated scanning by a machine as the item passes along a conveyor belt.

Other Scanning Environments – Typically this refers to handheld scanners.

Bar Width Ratio – This refers to the proportion of wide to narrow modules in the ITF-14. A wide module should be two and a half times wider than a narrow module.

Quiet Zones – Area of white space on either side of the bars